
November & December Sales are all for YOU! Self Care, Self Love, 

*We’re here again, in the time of year just made for peeling off the damage from our harsh summer months! Just like the trees drop their leaves, we must ditch the old dead damaged skin! Choose from 3-4 acid peels ($325- $375) or a no downtime peel PRX BioRegenerator Peel! ($250)

*New and Old Brown Spots got you feeling older looking?  Surveys say that brown spots age you more than wrinkles! Let’s make them disappear with the best laser available, the Intense Pulse Laser (IPL) Then follow up with the medical grade Derma Sweep, Hydration Facial AND a LED Celluma treatment to get you FRESH for the Holidays! $525

*Everybody has beautiful plump, lush lips! How about you?   Feeling like yourAre you ready for a refresh? Or is it something you’ve been thinking about? It’s time!  $50-$100 off lip fillers!

*Fillers not for You? Looking for a way to create your own collagen like you used to last decade?? Try PRP! Using your own platelets, growth factors and stem cells to create 4 syringes of Biofiller to Microneedle into Youth! Vampire Facial at HUGE discount     $700 Off, All just for you $999! 

*Have you heard the newest anti aging procedure on the market? We have it here, in Ridgecrest, for YOU! BioRegerators the natural way to turn back the clock! All customized for YOUR needs $100 Off

 *Is Hair loss on your mind? Feeling like your locks have lost their luster and fullness? The best non surgical procedure is Microneedling with PRP, followed by LED Celluma! Available for 1/2 Head or Full Head treatments. 

 *Bio Regenerators Caught your interest? But, not ready to give up your Botox? Or have you seen all of the spots that Botox can help with? Now we can combine Botox and Bio Regenerators! Yes! Interested? We can treat your forehead, around the eyes or mouth, neck or chest $450-$600 followed by a complementary LED Celluma! 

*Ready to INVEST in YOURSELF? We will accept Care Credit (18 month no Interest) for a 3 Pack of Pixel a Fraxil Laser treatment ($2400) or a 5 Pack of Microneedling ($2250) Start YOUR treatments Now! 

*50% Off, PDO Threads!

Call to Schedule Now!


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* No show fee: $50

Business Hours

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM

A woman is getting a botox injection in her face.

Botox® and Other Neurotoxins

If you are looking for a simple, convenient and effective way to fight the signs that time, aging ...

A woman is sitting on the floor with her legs crossed and her hands on her legs.

Laser Hair Removal

Pistine Med Spa uses one of the latest hair removal laser technologies (Soprano XL by Alma Lasers) … 

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