IPL Photofacial – Intense Pulse Light

IPL Photofacial – Intense Pulse Light

With Advanced Florescence Technology (AFT), the next generation of Intense Pulse Light or IPL, we are able to help improve skin color, texture tone and laxity by treating pigmented (sun and age spots) and vascular lesions while stimulating collagen production. IPL is also very effective on melasma and acne. This treatment provides excellent results for all ages with no downtime. We use the Harmony XL laser from Alma Lasers. Dr. Edward Zimmerman M.D. President of the American Board of Laser Surgery states ” After trying almost ever variation of Laser the Harmony with AFT is my platform of choice in terms of flexibility, efficacy, dependability and economy allowing safer and more effective treatments.”

Is it safe?

Treatment is very safe for the skin. There are many advances in the Harmony technology that make it unparalleled for skin safety, without compromising effectiveness for treatment. There are no long term health hazards from light used in the Harmony. Both have been used for decades in medicine, surgery and aesthetics, without adversity.

What kind of results can I expect from the Harmony Treatment?

Each Harmony treatment will result in gradual lightening and improvement of pigmented and vascular imperfections. Textural improvements are appreciated towards the end of the treatment series.

How frequently do I need treatment?

Treatments are repeated every month for a total of 3 treatments.

Does treatment hurt?

The sensation is often described as “hot pinch”, or “snapping” feeling. The sensation only lasts for fraction of a second, and you may feel warmth or a tingling sensation for a short time afterward. Most people tolerate treatment without topical anesthetic, but individuals who are more sensitive may prefer to have the skin numbed before treatment.

What happens after each treatment?

Temporary pinkness in the skin lasts a very short time and most people return to work or normal activities immediately after treatment. The improvement in pigmented and vascular irregularities can often be appreciated by the time you return for your next treatment a month later. Brown spots temporarily go darker before they lighten.

Who can use the treatment?

Anyone who wants to improve the signs of sun damage and aging in the skin, such as pigmented and vascular irregularities, uneven or rough skin texture. Skin rejuvenation can be done on face, neck, chest, hands and arms.

Request An Appointment

Call or fill out this form.

* No show fee: $50

Business Hours

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM

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