Celluma Works to Boost Collagen Production

Celluma Works to Boost Collagen Production

Let’s quickly run through two biology basics: the Krebs Cycle and Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).

1. The Krebs cycle is what generates cellular energy inside your body. Light activation boosts the body’s natural Krebs Cycle which in turn assists in creating more ATP.

2. ATP is the energy currency of all the cells in your body. When your body has sufficient ATP levels, then it has more energy to spend on restorative processes such as collagen elastin production – these are the proteins your body uses to heal itself.

In summary: Light Therapy = Enhanced Krebs (energy) Cycle = Greater ATP Availability = More Collagen

When all of those important metabolic events are happening, it then results in greater outcomes beyond just collagen production. We see a cascade of benefits such as:

  • Cell generation to replace old cells (mitosis)
  • Reduction and prevention of cell death (apoptosis)
  • Neurogenesis (new neurons)
  • Development of new capillaries (angiogenesis)
  • Increased blood flow
  • Enhanced Nitric Oxide production

The synergistic effect is that your body is optimized to heal itself. Patients who use Celluma LED light therapy devices begin seeing:

  • Skin rejuvenation and the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Accelerated healing of chronic wounds. *
  • General pain reduction including muscle, joint and arthritic pains.

All of these great benefits can be achieved at home and at your leisure. Most people can even use Celluma devices while taking a nap or watching television.

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